
Putting yourself out there is hard business for most of us! This week pastor Sam discusses our God given gifts and the amazing role they play in bringing us all…
Feel connected with God but still looking for a connection in his church? Reese Mayo opens our 4 week discussion on belonging in the church.
The resurrection is for eternal hope... and it impacts your every day life. This week we unpack I Corinthians 15 and the hope of all who belong to Jesus.
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Generosity is our privilege because Jesus was first generous towards us. Join with the vision of Living Way Fellowship to make an impact in the Sandy community.

We believe giving is at the heart of the message of the Gospel. John 3:16 says, “God loved the world so much that He gave…” Money can be a sensitive issue in the context of church, but it is also one of the best determining factors on the disposition of our hearts, according to Jesus (Matthew 6:19).

Click the link if you would like to contribute to the vision and mission of Living Way.
We hope this giving option is helpful to you. We are grateful for your cheerful generosity and commitment to the mission of LWF!

Living Way Fellowship is a registered 501(c)(3) organization.

All donations are tax-deductible.


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