Leadership Team
Meet The LWF Team
We are truly blessed to have a team of passionate, dedicated people following the calling and mission of God. Take a moment to get to know them.

SAm ALbrecht
Senior Pastor
Sam and his wife Elaina have 2 Children, Victoria and Camille. Sam has been a part of LWF for 23 years with 11 of those spent as the youth pastor. His heart’s passion is to lead others to a deep and powerful relationship with God.
Office Phone: 503.668.8088
Email: sama@sandy.church

Ryan LAw
Youth Minister
Ryan Law married the love of his life Melissa in 2007. They have three amazing children. Ryan is a journeymen machinist and CNC programmer by trade, but has found his true passion and calling in serving our community and our youth.
Office Phone: (503) 668-8088
Email: rlaw@Sandy.church

Brad Lehman
Worship Coordinator
Brad is a journeyman electrician by trade, and a worship leader by calling. Brad has served as our Worship Coordinator since 2018.
In the Summer of 2019 he married the love of his life, Emily, who serves as one of our amamzing children’s teachers.
Office Phone: (503) 668-8088
Email: blehman@Sandy.church

Dawnette Pyne
Preschool Director
Dawnette is the Director and Head Teacher for Living Way Preschool. Dawnette and her husband have attended Living Way Fellowship for 12+ years. Dawnette taught Kindergarten for 6 years, both 1/2 day and full days in the David Douglas, and Oregon Trail School Districts. Dawnette was asked to take over the leadership of the Preschool in 2013. Since taking the reigns of the Preschool program, Dawnette feels as though she has found her true calling and passion
Work: 503.668.8088
Email: TeacherD@sandy.church
Generosity is our privilege because Jesus was first generous towards us. Join with the vision of Living Way Fellowship to make an impact in the Sandy community.
We believe giving is at the heart of the message of the Gospel. John 3:16 says, “God loved the world so much that He gave…” Money can be a sensitive issue in the context of church, but it is also one of the best determining factors on the disposition of our hearts, according to Jesus (Matthew 6:19).
Click the link if you would like to contribute to the vision and mission of Living Way.
We hope this giving option is helpful to you. We are grateful for your cheerful generosity and commitment to the mission of LWF!
All donations are tax-deductible.